Where can I connect the Internet Idalgo Telecom in Kaliningrad
It's simple, now we are already working in Kaliningrad:
but we can also connect the settlements closest to these villages, we need to check the possibility of connection.
Tariffs available for connection
Persona GRAND 20 Mbps
per month
Tariff for economical
Internet surfing
Social media surfing
Support for simultaneous operation from multiple devices
Watch movies and series in good quality
Online games with good ping
Persona GRAND 30 Mbps

per month
Optimal tariff
Internet surfing
Social media surfing
Support for simultaneous operation from multiple devices
Watch movies and series in good quality
Online games with good ping
Persona GRAND 50 Mbps
per month
Tariff for fans of online games
Internet surfing
Social media surfing
Support for simultaneous operation from multiple devices
Watch movies and series in good quality
Online games with good ping
The price is indicated for the first 3 months of using the internet as a trial period, from the 4th month the cost of the 20 Mbps tariff will be 790 rubles per month
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