Do you want high-quality internet in your house, then you to Wireless Systems
Speed 20 Mbps

This speed is enough to connect a few phones, tablets and laptops to the internet and at the same time not experience problems when surfing the internet or social networks

Connect for 590 rubles* per month
Speed 30 Mbps

This speed is enough to easily surf the internet and surf social networks from several devices at the same time and watch your favorite videos, movies and series in excellent quality on TV with your family

Connect for 990 rubles per month
Speed 50 Mbps

If you like online games, then this tariff is suitable for you, thanks to the high-frequency signal transmission, the ping is always good. And you will not interfere with others just to surf the Internet or watch a movie

Connect for 1490 rubles per month
The price is indicated for the first 3 months of using the internet as a trial period, from the 4th month the cost of the 20 Mbps tariff will be 790 rubles per month
Cloud Hosting

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VPS Hosting

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Fixed 5G - how it works

Why Choose Us
We provide high speed internet

Our Internet is transmitted via Fixed 5G (Sky Optic) wireless technology, the signal is high-frequency, therefore it does not contain interference and is not distorted by the influence of electrical appliances and other factors.

We working in segment of the private houses 

You have your own house, but there are no Internet providers near you - it does not matter. We will come and check the possibility of connecting to our internet, as it is wireless, and therefore more accessible.

We always support our clients

Our technical support is in touch daily, in case of an emergency situation, they quickly respond and know the answers to all questions related to our services.


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Test Test Microsoft

Опыт работы в сфере управления IT проектами и проектами инфраструктурных решений более 10 лет.

Алексей Хоботов CEO
Idalgo Telecom in numbers 
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